Friday, December 7, 2012

Guest #33, your order is ready.

Overall rating: 8.65/10

Burger - I'll be honest, this burger was very good. This is going to be a short review because while not everything was perfect, the only outright flaw I can think of was the lettuce. I would have preferred a bit more, but that's partially my fault since I stopped getting extra lettuce for some reason. One of the better burgers I've had in a while.

Taste - 1.9 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.8 (out of 2)
Presentation - .8 (out of 1)

Fries - On the other hand, the fries tasted very good but the texture wasn't really up to par. Not very much crisp at all. The amount of salt was spot on. This could have been a record breaking meal if the texture of the fries was better. Though I haven't added up the score yet, so maybe it still is.

Taste - 1.8 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.35 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

Nothing really to note here. It's been colder outside the past couple of weeks so it has been extremely easy to find a seat outside. Not that I've ever once been to In-N-Out and failed to find a seat by the time my food came out though.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Guest #19, your order is ready.

Overall rating: 9.15/10

Burger - This is a very interesting review to do because if you take a look at the picture you'll see that the presentation is atrocious. The cheese seems to favor one side and it almost appears that there is no lettuce. I did have to fix the layout of the burger. That's really unfortunate because texture and taste were probably the best I've had in months. This time it was back to mustard fried and it was just the almost perfect tasting burger. Texture wise the only minor issue was a small section of the bun that was over toasted. It's a shame about the presentation though.

Taste - 1.9 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.95 (out of 2)
Presentation - .5 (out of 1)

Fries - Like the burger, there were only minor issues here. The texture was near perfect in that the outside was crispy but not overly hard. Unfortunately the inside was just a tad too cooked so some fries had the sort of dry texture to them. Nicely salted though and probably the best fries I've had (from anywhere) in a while.

Taste - 1.9 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.9 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

An update on the previous interesting note, as while it's been barely over a week since the last visit, the entire place was already rebuilt. The only difference from the current layout to the previous layout is that the "booth" for people waiting for their to go orders is no longer straight. It's almost an L shape.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guest #16, your order is ready.

Overall rating: 8.75/10

Burger - I went back to mustard fried/grilled last week (when I got another duplicate) and kept with it this week. It adds a bit of tang and mixes up the flavor a bit and I like to vary my burger slightly every now and then. Overall it was very good. The presentation and texture was the low mark here, as a large part of the bun was overly toasted (which results in some wasted bun). And as you can see in the picture, some ingredients were basically falling out and needed to be moved around. Flavor wise there was pretty much nothing wrong with this burger. I think I might actually have to give it full points in that category. 

Taste - 2 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.5 (out of 2)
Presentation - .6 (out of 1)

Fries - Fantastic fries this time. Texture was not perfect but close to it. Just a bit golden brown on the outside and not overly dry tasting. Taste was very good as well, basically how I always expect In-N-Out fries to taste when I think about them.

Taste - 1.85 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.8 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

It's been a while since something seriously interesting happened but this time the entire inside of the restaurant was gutted. No tables, no condiment area, etc. Only things still standing were the soda area and the front counter. Inside was filled with plastic white "patio" tables and chairs. It was pretty crazy, but it turns out they are just redoing the inside. Though based on my quick chat with the cashier, it won't be a redesign just a rebuild (as he said it was one of the older In-N-Out locations).

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Guest #11, your order is ready.

Overall rating: 8.5/10

Burger - Presentation was much better this time but unfortunately the texture took a nose dive during the last few bites. I couldn't score it too low because most of the burger was great, but the last few bites were very toasty bun and a bit overcooked meat. Taste was spot on though like it has been the last few weeks.

Taste - 1.8 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.6 (out of 2)
Presentation - .9 (out of 1)

Fries - Two categories got swapped this week. The taste wasn't as good but the texture was almost perfect. Nothing out of the ordinary here though. 

Taste - 1.5 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.8 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - .9 (out of 1)

Most interesting thing? Three weeks in a row with an original number. Last time I even had three original numbers in a month was in February. And we only have 1/3 of the numbers left!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Guest #82, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 8.2/10

Another new number so fast? If only this could extend to more than just back to back original numbers. Maybe I'll finish out the remainder of the numbers by having the next 34 be all origins. I wish.

Burger - Sticking with the original order still (for those that have forgotten, it's just a cheeseburger without onions). Presentation was way off here as the lettuce was all bunched up and had to be spread out before I started eating. Texture was once again perfect and there's nothing I could ask for differently in that area. Taste was not quite as good as last week's but still made me remember why I love In-N-Out.

Taste - 1.6 (out of 2)
Texture - 2 (out of 2)
Presentation - .6 (out of 1)

Fries - The fries tasted really good to me but their texture was lacking a bit. They have this look to them like "I'm going to be just a bit crispy" but then they were sort of flimsy and at times even chewy. Still, the flavor was almost perfect and probably only just below perfect due to texture affecting flavor.

Taste - 1.8 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.2 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

This was probably the slowest I've ever seen this particular In-N-Out Burger. There were not only three or four tables outside that were open, but there were at least two tables that could fit four people open on the inside as well. With hardly anybody standing around waiting for food.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Guest #6, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 7.95/10

This is one of the most mixed reviewed trips to In-N-Out that I can think of. On one hand, I ended up with an almost perfect burger. But on the other hand, the fries we barely average. That's the luck of the draw.

Burger - For the first time in what seems like ages I actually ate the entire burger. Usually there is a bite or two of just bun left, but all the portions and presentation worked out perfectly this time. The taste here (back to the original order once again) was just great. The proportion of each flavor was spot on. One of those rare times that the employees put the perfect amount of lettuce on. Texture wise...well, when I manage to eat the whole thing I'd say that equals perfect texture or taste. In this case it was the texture. Soft with a bit of crunch. I only mark slightly off for presentation due to the choose being slightly lopsided and also the lettuce as the last few bites I was having to put my burger back together.

Taste - 1.8 (out of 2)
Texture -  2 (out of 2)
Presentation - .9 (out of 1)

Fries - So what happened here was one of my coworkers ordered his fries well done and for some reason mine came from that batch. Unfortunately, fries being well done is more unpredictable than normal fries and these were just too overdone for my taste. Overly crunchy and had that sort of dry texture. Even though I put salt on them they still didn't have a good enough flavor either. Guess fries well done just isn't my thing.

Taste - 1.25 (out of 2)
Texture - 1 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

Really nothing excited in this trip at all. Sometimes a visit to In-N-Out is simply that and nothing more.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Guest #31, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 7.25/10

Last time I said it had been a while but it wasn't due to lack of trying. This time it was due to lack of trying. You know, my wife having a baby and all. Plus, this was actually over a week ago. Blame it on the baby!

Burger - I've been asking for extra lettuce for a while now. This time however, extra lettuce ended up being too much lettuce. I mean, just look at that salad...I mean burger! Other than that it was a pretty good burger. Can't say anything stood out all that much but the lettuce did sort of dull the flavor of everything else.

Taste - 1.7 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.8 (out of 2)
Presentation - .7 (out of 1)

Fries - The fries had decent texture. Mostly crispy on the outside, not too flimsy. And that's a good thing because even with salt and pepper they ended up being some of the most bland fries from In-N-Out that I've ever had.

Taste - 1.3 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.75 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

Not much interesting other than the fact that this was my first time at In-N-Out for I think three weeks. And consequently my first In-N-Out post baby being born.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Guest #10, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 7.65/10

It's been a while, and it's not from lack of trying either. I still pretty much go every week and every week I am usually like one number away from an original. Maybe this is the beginning of a hot streak.

Burger - I tried something new today, extra spread. It wasn't bad, but it's not something I'll likely want again. It made the burger taste a bit more tangy (or sour). It actually could have been the not all the way ripe tomato though. Otherwise, the current tried and true held firm. Texture wise this was a great burger. And presentation gets near top marks as well. Only one tomato which is always good because it means less work on my part. Unfortunately the extra spread made the last few bites a bit sloppy.

Taste - 1.4 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.9 (out of 2)
Presentation - .9 (out of 1)

Fries - So I tried well done fries again for only the second time. If they were always like my first time (which unfortunately wasn't a review) then I might always get them. But this time they were extremely well done to the point where they were just crunch and no soft inside. I've come to the decision that I'd rather have the occasional limp batch of fries than the completely charred batch of fries. And while this may be my fault for trying new things, these fries still get relatively low marks on taste and texture.

Taste - 1.45 (out of 2)
Texture - 1 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

There wasn't much interesting. This was one of my rare weekend visits though. And I did notice when posting this that my last number was #9. I'm curious if that was my first sequential original numbers in a row or if I've done it before.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Guest #9, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 8.25/10

I'm extremely late on this review. I went out of town the day after the trip to In-N-Out and intended to do it the night before but spaced on it. And same goes for the two nights I've been home since. Oh well, I do remember enough to still write the review. The summary is basically "nothing too outstanding but still good".

Burger - So the burger was about your average In-N-Out burger. Nothing stood out and said "hey I'm extremely delicious" but at the same time it was tasty and nothing was really specifically bad. Honestly can't say much more than that.

Taste - 1.5 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.8 (out of 2)
Presentation - .75 (out of 1)

Fries - The fries were good, if not a bit bland without the salt and pepper I had to put on liberally. Texture wise they were on the higher end of the scale. Just like the burger though there was nothing that stood out either way, making the review of them relatively boring.

Taste - 1.4 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.8 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

So the interesting point from this trip is that while eating the fries I apparently thought my finger would be delicious because I bit down extremely hard on it. Hard enough that it hurt to the point where I exclaimed "OW!" and people were like "What just happened?" Don't worry, my finger is intact.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Guest #15, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 9.45/10

As I'm writing this review I've already given everything the proper score. I have yet to tally that score though, but I have a feeling it will be my highest rated meal yet.

Burger - This is pretty much how I wish In-N-Out was every single time. The decision to get extra lettuce that one fateful trip a few months ago was the best In-N-Out related decision I've ever made. It's yet to fail me and makes my burgers so much better, mostly because I never run out of lettuce. Thinking back on this burger I'd say it probably could have used a bit more sauce. Other than that the only issue was the one or two bites of bun leftover at the end that I wish I had meat and cheese to go with. Probably the closest to perfect a burger has been in the two years I've been doing this. Soft, yet toasted, bun. Crunchy lettuce. The tomato was ripe throughout. Very good, makes me want to go and get another one right now.

Taste - 1.9 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.9 (out of 2)
Presentation - .85 (out of 1)

Fries - You know how texture can affect taste? That happened here and it's likely the reason these fries didn't get a perfect score. The fries looked slightly underdone, but eating them they were almost perfect. I think if they were cooked for five to ten seconds longer they would have been the perfect fries. Crispy on the outside (for the most part) and soft but not over dry on the inside. I did put some pepper on them myself, but I can't fault In-N-Out for no pepper anymore so that didn't come to play in the score.

Taste - 1.9 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.9 (out of 2)

It would have been funny if the food was delicious and the drink tasted horrible, but it stood up to what I consider quality Diet Coke.

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

Had a co-worker who hadn't tagged along on any of my In-N-Out visits come with today. It was pretty busy inside despite the drive-thru lane being almost empty. Other than that not much to say, sorry. Actually, about Diet Coke, this is something only slightly related to In-N-Out. Some other local places have (either since they opened or just recently gotten) the crazy Coke machines with all sorts of flavors that come from the same spout. If I rated Diet Coke from those things it would get like a .6 or .7 every time. So I'm glad In-N-Out still has their good old regular dispensers.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Guest #78, your order is ready.

Overall rating: 8.65/10

Burger - This burger is why the In-N-Out ratings system was designed. Compared to every other burger in the world it was great. Compared to the best In-N-Out Burger ever, it was just average. There was too much thick/white lettuce. The double tomato is more of a presentation issue, not sure if I should really be deducting for that anymore. And I had probably two or three full bites of bun left over at the end. But other than those minor issues, the burger was tasty and what you'd expect from In-N-Out. Just nothing standing out to make it the best one ever.

Taste - 1.65 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.6 (out of 2)
Presentation - .8 (out of 1)

Fries - These were some really good french fries. When I first got them I was afraid they would be limp and mushy because of their light color. However, they ended up being firm, crispy, and not overly dry on the inside. Texture wise they were almost about perfect. And while I didn't need any more salt and pepper for once, the taste was unfortunately not at the same quality as the texture. Still, some of the better fries in recent memory.

Taste - 1.75 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.85 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

So pretty much nothing interesting happened, but I did notice for the first time that In-N-Out has a system in place for order of ingredients. I guess that's to be expected but I hadn't really noticed before. It appears to go, from top to bottom, bun, cheese, meat, lettuce, tomato, sauce, bun.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Guest #35, your order is ready.

Overall rating: 9.2/10

I'm on a roll!

Burger - I've really grown to love the extra lettuce. Overall this burger was very good but not amazing. No one thing stood out as being something fantastic taste wise, but every part of the burger was well above average and when put together made for a pretty delicious cheeseburger. Presentation was spot on in my opinion, nothing lopsided or falling out. Which is strange because I did end up with probably two full bites of everything except hamburger at the end. Texture was almost as perfect as can be. I honestly can't think of anything that was wrong with the texture so I'm going to have to give that part full marks. Taste wise, like I said everything was above average but nothing jumped out at me. At In-N-Out that still blows every other burger joint away though.

Taste - 1.8 (out of 2)
Texture - 2.0 (out of 2)
Presentation - .9 (out of 1)

Fries - I liked the fries quite a bit. There weren't as crispy as I would have liked but overall the texture was pretty good. And the taste was fairly standard and once I put the salt and pepper on the were pretty good. Much like the burger it wasn't perfect but it was well above average for In-N-Out.

Taste - 1.8 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.7 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

Nothing really interesting. Was a warm day. I did eat the burger while it was still in the wrapper. I mean, I didn't eat the wrapper as well, but the extra lettuce has been fairly messy lately so I decided to not remove it completely. Worked out for the better. Fun fact: I resize my images to 29% of their original size. I think I've done a few that different %, but for the most part it's always 29%.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Guest #96, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 7.6/10

Burger - Once again extra lettuce. My order these days is now a Cheeseburger no onions, extra lettuce, mustard fried, no pickles. I'm going to stick with this for a while imagine, but I think from time to time I might have to take out a bit of lettuce. Not only does too much of it mask the other flavors but it can get messy pretty quick. Still, I really do like the extra lettuce. I can't give near perfect marks on taste though, due to the masking of the flavors with too much lettuce. The texture of this burger was pretty spot on. Nothing was too crunchy or soggy at all. Almost every bite was perfect. Although I did have a few extra bites of bun leftover at the end. Presentation wise the extra lettuce also makes it hard to judge, but I can't fault them for not being able to put that much lettuce on and make it perfect looking. I mean, it's like a salad between a two buns.

Taste - 1.65 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.9 (out of 2)
Presentation - .8 (out of 1)

Fries - Probably some of the worst fries I've ever had at In-N-Out, which is a shame. They were limp and flimsy, no crunch whatsoever. Not only that but despite putting salt on them they didn't have hardly any flavor. They weren't "gross", just really sub-par.

Taste - 1.25 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.0 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

You want something interesting? Yeah, I can't do that today. Nothing noteworthy was seen or heard.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Guest #25, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 9/10

Burger - Extra lettuce is now standard as part of my order. And as usual mustard fried is there as well. The burger was really good, but extra lettuce does get a bit sloppy as the lettuce doesn't really have an anchor and falls out quite a bit. Nothing extra special to say about this burger other than I had a bit more than usual left over at the end. Just bun really and small bits of lettuce and tomato, assuming some cheese in there as well. But once I'm done with the meat I don't generally eat the rest as it has more of a burnt grilled cheese taste. I've always found that strange.

Taste - 1.8 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.75 (out of 2)
Presentation - .8 (out of 1)

Fries - These were some of the best fries in quite a long time. I had intentions of trying well done fries, but as my wife was with me and we were sharing I decided to appease her and just get normal fries. Luckily for me they were actually quite a bit more done than they have been in the last few months. They ended up nice and crispy on the outside but still soft on the inside. And as always, salt and pepper had to be added.

Taste - 1.7 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.95 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

Nothing exciting. Most interesting thing I saw were two cops and one was definitely tired as he was resting his head on the table. Well more like on his arm, but his arm was flat on the table.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Guest #32, your order is ready.

Overall Rating: 8.2/10

Wow, totally forgot to write this over the weekend. Good thing I actually remember most everything about the meal. Unfortunately though there was nothing of interest outside of the meal, so this will just be a food review.

Burger - I tried something new again, but nothing as extreme as a double-double. This time I got extra lettuce and it was totally worth it. One of the problems I find w/ In-N-Out is the inconsistency with the lettuce proportions. Getting too little lettuce makes the burger just take like ground beef and american cheese, or sometime like a grilled cheese. So yeah this was really good but next time I will make sure to go back to mustard fried as well. I kind of got used to that slight mustard taste and found myself missing it. Texture wise everything was pretty good. Nothing was over cooked or soggy. Almost perfect. Presentation could have used some work though. The lettuce was put on sloppily so I had to adjust its position multiple times and there were a few bites that seemed to be more on the meat and cheese side of the ratio than everything else. But otherwise a really good burger.

Taste - 1.65 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.8 (out of 2)
Presentation - .7 (out of 1)

Fries - Sadly the fries didn't live up to the burger. Actually the taste was pretty good but offset by the lack of seasoning and the fact that weren't nearly done enough. None of the full fries were crispy at all and I had to eat some of those really small pieces just to get some crunch.

Taste - 1.65 (out of 2)
Texture - 1.4 (out of 2)

Diet Coke - 1 (out of 1)

One thing I will say is that I am thinking about removing the proper amount of S&P on the fries as part of the criteria. The reasoning is that in all the times I've been doing this I think there has only been a perfect amount once or twice. It's so rare that using it as part of the judgement is likely to end up with never getting anywhere near a overall perfect score for the meal.